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Crypto Info

The cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, but many people are still not familiar with how it works. This can make them vulnerable to scams. My app provides users with detailed information about crypto coins, including their price history, market capitalization, and technical analysis. This information can help users make informed decisions about their investments and avoid being scammed.

Project Image

Project Overview

Project Description: This project is a web app that provides users with detailed information about crypto coins. The app uses vanilla JavaScript, CSS, and fetches API data from Coingecko.
Project Goals: The goals of this project were to:
Provide users with the information they need to make informed decisions about cryptocurrency investments
Help users avoid cryptocurrency scams
Build a user-friendly and interactive app

Challenges and Solutions
Learning how to fetch API data from Coingecko:I had never worked with API data before, so this was a new challenge for me. I started by reading the documentation for the Coingecko API. I also found some tutorials online that helped me understand how to fetch API data.

Formatting the API data in a way that was easy to understand:The API data was returned in a JSON format. I needed to format this data in a way that was easy to understand and display to users. I used JavaScript to parse the JSON data and create objects that I could then use to display the data in the app.

Building a user-friendly interface:I wanted to create an app that was easy to use and understand. I used CSS to style the app and make it visually appealing. I also used JavaScript to add interactivity to the app.

Tools Used

Unit Testing